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Image Tokens

Certain applications might want to share images between Flows, e.g. a webcam that made a snapshot, or a Chromecast that wants to cast an image. A image typed token can be used here.

To start using image tokens, first register a Image instance.


let myImage = new Homey.Image();
  myImage.setPath( path.join(__dirname, 'assets', 'images', 'kitten.jpg') );
    .then(() => {

      // create a token & register it
      let myImageToken = new Homey.FlowToken('my_token', {
        type: 'image',
        title: 'My Image Token'
        .then( () => {
          myImageToken.setValue( myImage )
            .then( this.log.bind( this, 'myImageToken.setValue') )
            .catch( this.error.bind( this, 'myImageToken.setValue') )
        .catch( this.error.bind( this, 'myImageToken.register') )

      // listen for a Flow action
      new Homey.FlowCardAction('image_action')
        .registerRunListener(async ( args, state ) => {

          // get the contents of the image
          const imageStream = await args.droptoken.getStream();
          this.log('saving image of mime type:', imageStream.contentType, 'to: ', imageStream.filename)
          // save the image
          const targetFile = fs.createWriteStream( path.join(__dirname, 'userdata', filename) );
          return true;

      // trigger a Flow
      new Homey.FlowCardTrigger('image_trigger')
          my_image: myImage // pass the instance here
        .then( this.log.bind( this, 'imageTrigger.trigger') )
        .catch( this.error.bind( this, 'imageTrigger.trigger') );
    .catch( this.error.bind( this, 'myImage.register') );