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const { BleAdvertisement } = require('homey');

This class is a representation of a BLE Advertisement for a BlePeripheral in Homey. This class must not be initiated by the developer, but retrieved by calling ManagerBle#discover or ManagerBle#find.

Table of Contents


new Homey.BleAdvertisement()

Name Type Description
id string

Id of the peripheral assigned by Homey

uuid string

Uuid of the peripheral

address string

The mac address of the peripheral

addressType string

The address type of the peripheral

connectable boolean

Indicates if Homey can connect to the peripheral

localName string

The local name of the peripheral

manufacturerData string

Manufacturer specific data for peripheral

serviceData Array.<string>

Array of service data entries

serviceUuids Array.<string>

Array of service uuids

rssi number

The rssi signal strength value for the peripheral


(async) connect() → {BlePeripheral}

Connect to the BLE peripheral this advertisement references
